It is currently its flagship.
Old classic webforms event driven model obviously want be given to much consideration in future.
But for us regular guys there will still be plenty of legacy code out there written in that old event driven model.
One of often obstacles for anyone starting to use ASP.NET webforms model it is concept of POSTBACK.
People coming from different web background like PHP, JAVA etc. are astounded with this term because it has nothing to do with standard HTTP model.
Anyway, many of us working with complex event driven controls like Telerik gridview and etc. sooner or later stumbled on this event system when we did not had legit ways to "talk" to backend and just POST it simple data.
Ok, one should always put effort to find legit way through given control event model or props to pass certain value(s) to backend.
But, I guess you've been there when you are pushing deadlines and you have to deliver.
Well sometimes you have to cross the line and start writing dirty.
After 5 years I'm still learning so recently I've discovered doPostBack().
You need to push something using full page reload and tell the backend that it came from specific control which on top of it sends some value and you don't have faintness idea how to do it with given set of controls
Here is what you could consider as workaround:
Here is what you could consider as workaround:
;This will result in full page reload and then in PageLoad event you can handle action to be taken like this:
If Request.Params("__EVENTTARGET") = "imgDeleteWeitere" Then Dim id As Long If Long.TryParse(Request.Params("__EVENTARGUMENT"), id) = True Then
Watch it ! Compiler can't save you from typos in postbackcontrolid. Some articles also point out that it is not certain that in every scenario doPostBack will fill these params.
So if you use it thoroughly test and soon as possible replace with proper control driven solution...