Dec 1, 2017

.NET Core 2.0 Tips For Beginners

Update 24.9.18

Since key feature of .NET Core is sandbox (running concurent Core app's with different versions of .NET Core) one needs to understand basics of .NET Core versioning. Here is good post on subject:

Issue - project has invalid or missing dependencies but SDK or NuGet package(s) exist

From DevCommand prompt navigate to Project folder (not root !) where is your PRJ file and run:

dotnet restore

ASP.NET Core 2.0 configuration

To make above example work add NuGet package:

Microsoft.NETCore.App  <-- it seems that this one is by default, can't be removed?

Make sure to mark appsettings.json with Copy If Newer

Setting up IIS hosting of ASP.NET Core on development PC

Tip. No need for any extra coding. Just make sure to setup IIS. I think ASP.NET CoreModule is required.


  • There is not API route configuration in startup. Use this for each controller:


; then each action decorate like this:

        [HttpGet("{echoText}",Name ="Ping")]
        public PCPingRS Ping(string echoText)

  • If you need to execute something at app startup, what you have previously done in Global.asax Startup, now is not that simple.
    • You need to take into account Dependency Injection since all Core is supporting it by default.
    • You may try to place your calls inside:
               return WebHost.CreateDefaultBuilder(args)             

.ConfigureAppConfiguration((context, config) =>

  • Parameter binding - you CAN NOT bind more than one simple value type parameter from POST body using [FromBody]
    • This works:
      public ActionResult DoSomething( [FromBody] string myText )
    • But this doesn't:
      public ActionResult DoSomething( [FromBody] string myText, [FromBody] int year)
  • Parameter binding - POST - you MUST always use [FromBody] since WebAPI is capable to map complex type memebers from Uri
    • public ActionResult DoSomething( [FromBody] MyObject dummy )


For some reason this:

_httpContextAccessor.HttpContext.Session.SetObject(_searchObjectContextKey, searchObjectModel);

works and saves to Session but this:

_httpContextAccessor.HttpContext.Session.SetObject<SearchObjectsModel>(_searchObjectContextKey, searchObjectModel);

; doesn't and it has no error.

Use inject to reference namespaces:

@inject MyNameSpace.MySubSpace

Good resources on new tags helpers in Core :

Partial views  vs ViewComponent

Ideally you should not design components / controls inside partial views.
Partial views should encompass only reusable layout with minimum presentation logic.
If there is complex js or servers side logic you should use view component since it provides clear separation of controller.


Often there is some JS code required by partial view. You may use @section Scripts in your layout to place together all you scripts created outside from layout.
Unfortunately you CAN'T use section tag in PARTAIL views!
Hence you can't easy place your JS code with your partial view. Why is that?
Above section explains it. You are not suppose to place any logic even client side in your partial view.
You may place your section tag only in Views. This design degrades your partials to mere HTML containers. All your JS code from all partials should be placed in hosting view.
In real world this is not so bad. You want to reuse partial's and their JS code. Right?
So place your JS in standalone JS file and then reference it and initialize from hosting view.
This makes sense. Ideally you should write one-liner in JS to reference proper initialization for your partial views.


Open VS command prompt. Go to folder where is your solution.
Attach debuger to DOTNET process.


Core has integrated logging. Turn it on like this:
<aspNetCore processPath="dotnet" arguments=".\App.dll" stdoutLogEnabled="true" stdoutLogFile=".\logs\stdout" />

Don't forget to create logs folder.

Initial setup on IIS - How to prepare self-contained installation

Key points:
1. Manually edit your CSPROJ file and modify like this:
2. Perform Publish to folder
3. In publish folder edit web.config and enable Logging as noted above
4. Copy content to IIS folder with no managed code app pool
5. Create logs folder in root of your website