Important concept usually forgotten when trying to optimize SQL statements.
SQL is declarative !
Read here:
Nov 15, 2013
Nov 7, 2013
Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting hints
My experience with Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.
Attributes [TestInitialize] & [TestCleanup] are executed after each test marked with [TestMethod].
So if you have test class like this:
public class Test
public void Initialize
public void GetIsAdAvailable_InvalidCampaignId_ShouldFail()
public void GetIsAdAvailable_ValidCampaignId_InvalidCampRange_ShouldFail()
public void Cleanup()
If you run all tests here is execution flow:
Attributes [TestInitialize] & [TestCleanup] are executed after each test marked with [TestMethod].
So if you have test class like this:
public class Test
public void Initialize
public void GetIsAdAvailable_InvalidCampaignId_ShouldFail()
public void GetIsAdAvailable_ValidCampaignId_InvalidCampRange_ShouldFail()
public void Cleanup()
If you run all tests here is execution flow:
Nov 4, 2013
NPoco tricks
NPoco is continuation of PetaPoco Micro ORM .NET solution.
As open source project is not very well documented so I'll write down few tricks picked up along the way.
1. For SQL code cosmetics :
Sql sql = Sql.Builder
sql.Append(";declare @@countResViews int ");
sql.Append("set @@countResViews = (select count(*) from MYTABLE where Expiry<=GETDATE() and UserId<>@0 and CampaignId =@1) ", userId, campaignId);
sql.Append("select @@countResViews ");
3. Semicolon is needed when not starting SQL with SELECT.
4. Executing stored proc and getting result dataset is straightforward:
List<Campaign> dbCampaigns = db.FetchWhere<Campaign>(c => c.Name == campaign.Name);
Campaign dbCampaign = dbCampaigns.Count==0 ? new Campaign() : dbCampaigns.FirstOrDefault();
6. Composite Primary key syntax
If you have Primary key consisting of two columns use this syntax:
UserCampaign userCampaignDB = db.SingleOrDefaultById<UserCampaign>(
new { UserId = 4,CampaignId = 3 }
7. Executing stored proc and returning output var & result rowset:
Not related strictly to NPoco but I keep forgetting it :
connection string ... providerName="System.Data.SQLClient"
8. One to many join:
As open source project is not very well documented so I'll write down few tricks picked up along the way.
1. For SQL code cosmetics :
Sql sql = Sql.Builder
sql.Append(";declare @@countResViews int ");
sql.Append("set @@countResViews = (select count(*) from MYTABLE where Expiry<=GETDATE() and UserId<>@0 and CampaignId =@1) ", userId, campaignId);
sql.Append("select @@countResViews ");
2. Using SQL params inside T-SQL that should not be mapped to provided arguments:
- Place ; on very beginning of T-SQL statement.
- Use double @ for your vars.
Sql sql = Sql.Builder.Append(string.Concat(
";declare @@countResViews int ",
"set @@countResViews = (select count(*) from MYTABLEwhere Expiry<=GETDATE() and UserId<>@0 and CampaignId =@1) ",
"select @@countResViews ")
, userId, campaignId);
int count = db.FirstOrDefault<int>(sql);
Sql sql = Sql.Builder.Append(string.Concat(
";declare @@countResViews int ",
"set @@countResViews = (select count(*) from MYTABLEwhere Expiry<=GETDATE() and UserId<>@0 and CampaignId =@1) ",
"select @@countResViews ")
, userId, campaignId);
int count = db.FirstOrDefault<int>(sql);
3. Semicolon is needed when not starting SQL with SELECT.
4. Executing stored proc and getting result dataset is straightforward:
sql.Append(";exec dbo._TempPostboxReqAdConsumation");5. Fetch lambdas always return List, NEVER null. Hence check for Count==0 not NULL:
List<Product> list = db.Fetch<Product>(sql);
List<Campaign> dbCampaigns = db.FetchWhere<Campaign>(c => c.Name == campaign.Name);
Campaign dbCampaign = dbCampaigns.Count==0 ? new Campaign() : dbCampaigns.FirstOrDefault();
6. Composite Primary key syntax
If you have Primary key consisting of two columns use this syntax:
[TableName("UserCampaigns")]Obtaining record by PK when composite PK:
[PrimaryKey("UserId,CampaignId", AutoIncrement = false)]
public partial class UserCampaign
public int UserId { get; set; }
public int CampaignId { get; set; }
public int StatusId { get; set; }
UserCampaign userCampaignDB = db.SingleOrDefaultById<UserCampaign>(
new { UserId = 4,CampaignId = 3 }
7. Executing stored proc and returning output var & result rowset:
var totalRecords = new SqlParameter("4", System.Data.SqlDbType.Int);
totalRecords.Direction = System.Data.ParameterDirection.Output;
sql.Append(";EXEC GetActiveCampaigns @0, @1, @2, @3, @4 OUTPUT", user.Id, UserCampaignStatus.New, page, itemsPerPage, totalRecords);
Not related strictly to NPoco but I keep forgetting it :
connection string ... providerName="System.Data.SQLClient"
8. One to many join:
var sql = Sql.Builder.Append("select a.*,r.* from ApiIdentifier a")
.Append("left join ApiIdentifierRole ar on ar.ApiIdentifierId = a.Id")
.Append("left join ApiRole r on r.Id = ar.RoleId");
var adIdents = db.FetchOneToMany<ApiIdentifier, ApiRole>(apid => apid.Id, sql);
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