As open source project is not very well documented so I'll write down few tricks picked up along the way.
1. For SQL code cosmetics :
Sql sql = Sql.Builder
sql.Append(";declare @@countResViews int ");
sql.Append("set @@countResViews = (select count(*) from MYTABLE where Expiry<=GETDATE() and UserId<>@0 and CampaignId =@1) ", userId, campaignId);
sql.Append("select @@countResViews ");
2. Using SQL params inside T-SQL that should not be mapped to provided arguments:
- Place ; on very beginning of T-SQL statement.
- Use double @ for your vars.
Sql sql = Sql.Builder.Append(string.Concat(
";declare @@countResViews int ",
"set @@countResViews = (select count(*) from MYTABLEwhere Expiry<=GETDATE() and UserId<>@0 and CampaignId =@1) ",
"select @@countResViews ")
, userId, campaignId);
int count = db.FirstOrDefault<int>(sql);
Sql sql = Sql.Builder.Append(string.Concat(
";declare @@countResViews int ",
"set @@countResViews = (select count(*) from MYTABLEwhere Expiry<=GETDATE() and UserId<>@0 and CampaignId =@1) ",
"select @@countResViews ")
, userId, campaignId);
int count = db.FirstOrDefault<int>(sql);
3. Semicolon is needed when not starting SQL with SELECT.
4. Executing stored proc and getting result dataset is straightforward:
sql.Append(";exec dbo._TempPostboxReqAdConsumation");5. Fetch lambdas always return List, NEVER null. Hence check for Count==0 not NULL:
List<Product> list = db.Fetch<Product>(sql);
List<Campaign> dbCampaigns = db.FetchWhere<Campaign>(c => c.Name == campaign.Name);
Campaign dbCampaign = dbCampaigns.Count==0 ? new Campaign() : dbCampaigns.FirstOrDefault();
6. Composite Primary key syntax
If you have Primary key consisting of two columns use this syntax:
[TableName("UserCampaigns")]Obtaining record by PK when composite PK:
[PrimaryKey("UserId,CampaignId", AutoIncrement = false)]
public partial class UserCampaign
public int UserId { get; set; }
public int CampaignId { get; set; }
public int StatusId { get; set; }
UserCampaign userCampaignDB = db.SingleOrDefaultById<UserCampaign>(
new { UserId = 4,CampaignId = 3 }
7. Executing stored proc and returning output var & result rowset:
var totalRecords = new SqlParameter("4", System.Data.SqlDbType.Int);
totalRecords.Direction = System.Data.ParameterDirection.Output;
sql.Append(";EXEC GetActiveCampaigns @0, @1, @2, @3, @4 OUTPUT", user.Id, UserCampaignStatus.New, page, itemsPerPage, totalRecords);
Not related strictly to NPoco but I keep forgetting it :
connection string ... providerName="System.Data.SQLClient"
8. One to many join:
var sql = Sql.Builder.Append("select a.*,r.* from ApiIdentifier a")
.Append("left join ApiIdentifierRole ar on ar.ApiIdentifierId = a.Id")
.Append("left join ApiRole r on r.Id = ar.RoleId");
var adIdents = db.FetchOneToMany<ApiIdentifier, ApiRole>(apid => apid.Id, sql);
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