Dec 2, 2013

ASP.NET in 2012, 2013 - what's new ? - Quick guide for very lazy developers

I'm lazy developer.
Instead of regularly following news in my ASP.NET field I watch SF Star Gate. :)
Then you get stuck on your daily basis on boring SQL driven apps or even .NET desktop app's and you'r through.
So every year or two I wake one day and understand that I don't know nothing of most cool and sexy stuff people use for building web in ASP.NET.

Today is end of 2013. Now I'm an common ASP.NET developer not some MVP geek so my goal is to found out what's out there ready, tested and mature that helps me, as very lazy person :), to build more slicker, cooler and faster business web-sites.

Scott Hanselman  made very good intro for one off his post:

Last year the ASP.NET team started talking about something we're calling "One ASP.NET." I showed some mockups of our ideas last summer at the aspConf Keynote that you can watch online.
We also announced then that we would add new features to ASP.NET as out of band releases (OOB) without breaking existing functionality. This means that developers don't have to wait for the next version of Visual Studio for great web development features today. We're aiming to add to ASP.NET and Web Tools every 6 months.
For those that don't want to wait, Mads and the team also started a feature playground called Web Essentials. This is an extension to Visual Studio that updates all the time with ideas and brainstorms about how VS can be an even better editor for the web. As features "graduate" from Web Essentials, they move into ASP.NET and Web Tools proper. A bunch of features graduate with today's release.

So boys and girls:


First buzz word - repeat and remember - new flagship of ASP.NET !

Web Tolls

To spare you 10 mins for watching above video. Yes, you need web tools. They won't mess with your choices of technology or way you work. They are optional helpers whom you have to choose explicitly to make your life easer.

Web Essentials

So Web Essentials is so to say community development package  for Web Tools products.

If you ever write CSS, HTML, JavaScript, TypeScript, CoffeeScript or LESS, then you will find many useful features that make your life as a developer easier. 
Unobtrusive helpers for CSS, Html, Javascript ...
They are not in the way but can help...

Taking advantage of cool new web technologies is great fun, until you have to support browsers that lag behind. Modernizr makes it easy for you to write conditional JavaScript and CSS to handle each situation, whether a browser supports a feature or not. It’s perfect for doing progressive enhancement easily.
For a while I stumble of this little guy in VS web project templates and I have no clue what a heck is purpose of it. So here it is.
If you are experienced web designer (which I'm not :) ) you need to take special (and expensive ! ) care about browser compatibility.

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